We started the (self-directed) 2nd week by researching monuments of Rotterdam, in attempt to find one that we all would feel fascinated by. We were particularly inspired by the visual and audio narrative intervention on the Laurenskerk which allowed both the lost memories of the pre-war past and the present be simultaneously expressed, and by “The Truth” – a monumental drinking fountain that once stood in Vreewijk, but had disappeared in mysterious circumstances and which also raised a question of visibility and invisibility and the shaping of physical versus psychological space. Other relevant monuments that we had researched and which all pointed towards the same subject were “De Verwoeste Stad” which keeps the loss caused by bombing visible through a hole, or a lack, in the place of the figure’s heart, and the “LHBTI” monument, which stands out due to being a temporarily visible monument that contrasts with a permanently relevant subject.
In total, we gathered and researched 7 monuments and created a map. Our chosen monument was "The Truth". What was fascinating about it was the metaphor of the missing truth, and the overall mystery surrounding the situation. As all of our self-positionings included questioning the concept of the self, we wondered - Where can the truth be? What is the truth?